Thursday, May 16, 2024

After a rough start...



I started my last post by saying, "Just when you thought things couldn't get much worse, they did."

Well, they did again. Three weeks later I ended up so weak, I couldn't walk, and had to use a wheelchair to get around my apartment. 

A month later I ended up in the hospital for a week, and am now living in an adult group home, which has been very challenging, especially the first month.
All of this was due to both the many stresses noted in my previous post, but also undiagnosed anemia, that probably started in May or June of last year.

I'm happy to say though that things are finally improving -- not quite as fast as I'd like -- but they are improving.

And I'm determined to not only recover as much as I did in late 2021-early 2022, but surpass that -- as I never want this to happen again.



Many of you know it's been a very rough four-five months for Uncle Dan.
In early December, I developed what seemed like "Instant Anemia". I was freezing cold, couldn't catch my breath, and got weaker by the day
In hindsight however, it probably started at least six-nine months earlier. I can recall times where my hand would shake pouring water out of a pan, or even reaching out to hit the snooze button in the morning. 
As noted in my last update, I thought this weakening was due to the many extra stressors I experienced during 2023. No doubt they played a role – especially that stinging ulcer on my foot -- as did my ME/CFS, but underlying all of this, was the anemia.
The body has a way of getting one’s attention, and this certainly did. Three weeks after my last update, I was so weak I had to use a wheelchair to get around the apartment, and very soon was losing muscle because I could not stand for more than 2-3 seconds, thanks to that infamous ulcer on my foot.
Eventually I ended up in the hospital for a week, and by Feb 6th, I had to move to a tiny room in adult group home up in Everett. While I miss my friends in Seattle, it’s nice to be closer to my nephew and his family, as well as my sister Laurie, both of whom have helped me out so much with the move, etc.. 
Cozy, isn't it? I love the artwork by my grandnephew on the left, and my sister, on the right.

The first month or so was a very difficult transition. And although things are improving, with two Alzheimer’s patients and only one caregiver for six residents, there are still days -- and especially nights that make it very difficult to rest or sleep at times -- although that is beginning to improve.

Meals are improving too, but still lacking quite a bit when it comes to nutrition, variety and sufficient calories. We have a new caregiver twice a week who’s a great cook, so hopefully she’ll have some influence going forward. 
Despite these challenges, ol' Uncle Dan is getting better!

The wound or ‘ulcer’ on my foot that plagued me all of 2023 is officially healed. As a result, I can stand for 3-4 minutes or so. That may not sound like much, but it’s a lot better than the 1-2 seconds back in January.


Two months ago, leaning on my old walker, I had a PT session where I walked 15 feet. Two weeks later, I walked from the main room to my room and back, which is about 50 feet. And two weeks later I walked, again using a walker, about 200 feet.


And while I’m no longer officially anemic, my iron markers are 50% lower than a year ago, so my doc restarted the iron, which should help improve things as well.  


And lastly, about a month ago (already!), the owner here dusted off and charged up my ol’ mobility scooter, so I was able to get out to a nearby park my nephew and his family, and my sister. That was wonderful. The absolute best day of the year so far… 


I got out again with my sister about 10 days ago, and then just yesterday I was out all by my little old self! I must admit I was pretty nervous at first, but ended up doing okay, so I know it'll be easier next time. So glad the weather is warming up!

In front of the local park, about 3 blocks away. On the left, the local YMCA.

I wish I could turn this around faster, but I lost a lot of muscle from three months in a chair, and I’ll have to really, really pace myself. I still get quite cold at times, which is frustrating, but I see my doctor near the end of the month, so will get some labs done and see what’s up.


Still, I’m determined to recover as much, if not more than I did in late 2021-early 2022 when I improved by 65-70!  I've started using the same protocol I did back then, so I'm confident I can improve like I did just 2 1/2 years ago.



Thanks to you, things are finally looking up. I’m starting to see the beauty in the world around me, which seemed impossible 2-3 months ago.


I can’t thank you enough for your concern, support, and love throughout all of this. It helped me so much to remember I’m loved just the way I am, something I’ve had a hard time accepting for decades now.


That alone will help lift me up and carry me forward as I continue to improve… 



