After the severe setback earlier this summer, I was able to get back to about 75% of last year's improvement level -- that is until I was hit by a brutal sinus infection and stomach flu a week ago. Surprisingly, it just may help provide answers going forward.
As a result, I'm more determined than ever to take on this beast once and for all. I got close a year ago, and am confident I can far surpass that this year.
The Improvements so far...
After the May-August setback, I went from hiking to the 5th floor twice in August, to six times in September and October -- which is actually more than this time a year ago -- and then five times this month.
Since I used to run up the stairs when I was taking care of mom, I decided to try to start doing that again too -- but of course a lot slower and very carefully at first. I started early this month and have done it twice so far. Essy shot a video of the 2nd attempt.
Yes, it's slower, and only one flight, but it's a start.
Restarting specific supplements helped improve strength and mood, and also going to the old (low) dose of klonopin helped me settle down as well. I started a much tinier taper about a month ago and it's going okay.
My blood pressure continues to improve. It's consistently 130/75, instead of 149/88 or higher.
I do have some twitching in my feet and legs from time to time. That should improve as I get more calories. And I think I've had maybe ONE leg cramp since August, which is a new record!
and it's possible clues towards future improvements:
This recent sinus infection was a total surprise! As noted a few years ago, ME/CFS patients rarely get 'real, normal' fevers like healthy people do, and they rarely last more than a couple days before dropping again.
Well, mine shot up to almost 104 on day three, and lasted for five days -- the longest and highest fever I've had for 30 years. Perhaps it's a sign my immune system is beginning to work normally?
Things got a lot worse as it turned into the stomach flu. My doc's office was closed, so I ended up pulling out a bottle of an herbal anti-parasitical so I could at least stop the diarrhea.
It worked. Really well. Helped improve my non-existent appetite. And interestingly, it even cleared my sinuses by 80%.
So, what's THE PLAN FOR 2023?
1. Investigate the possible parasite factor.
I haven't had the time or energy yet to find an expert to consult with on this, but it's too intriguing to just ignore. Especially since it's helped my sinuses so much, which was #1 on last year's list.
2. Improve Digestion.
I mentioned working with an expert last year. I contacted him in March, but the setback hit me so hard, that we ended up putting it on the back burner. With your help, I hope to work with him very soon.
3. Improve the diversity of my gut microbiome.
Below is a screenshot of my microbiome test done last year. The two main phylum in a health human are the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Firmicutes (in orange) are associated with obesity while Bacteroidetes are connected to leanness.
As you can see, I have almost twice as much Firmicutes as I should. No wonder I've had such a difficult time getting rid of this fatty liver and visceral fat! There are other factors too -- stress will mess up this ratio and deplete the microbiome in general -- but slowly changing the diet and adding very specific prebiotic fibers to improve the ratio will also be key.
There are other problems with the gut test I won't bore you with, but I hope to work with Dr. Jason Hawrelak -- one of the world's experts -- apply his advice, and then repeat the test next June.
4. Brain Retraining
Lastly, although I made some progress, I need to get a lot more serious about brain-retraining. Anyone who's around me for long will tell you I worry too much. It's an automatic thing, perhaps due to being sick for so long, but...maybe it started earlier? Regardless, ingrained, subconscious patterns like that increase stress hormones which interfere with healing.
I did consult with a practitioner for four sessions from March to April. And while the sessions went well, he seemed a little inexperienced, so we didn't make much progress. We also had wifi connection issues.
With your support, I hope to work with a more experienced practitioner this year.
My commitment to recovery/remission has never been higher. I could say it's because I'm so sick of being sick. And I am. But this year -- in fact today -- all of a sudden I'm entering my 'Golden Years'!
I even have an appointment with my doctor tonight.
So I think the setback earlier this year, along with this recent severe infection, combined with my 'Medicare Birthday', all add up to one thing...
Once and for all, it's time to get well Dan, and that starts today.
Remember? We got so close last year.
Please consider donating today so I can surpass last year's gains and see more progress than ever before!
Remember, 100% of your donation goes to pay for medical appointments, tests, treatments, drugs and supplements not covered by insurance. They are paid out by a Trustee and by law, cannot be used for any other purpose.
You can donate today to the “Daniel J. Becks Special Needs Trust” by clicking on the PayPal “Donate” button on the top right corner of the blog. They accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, without any need to sign up with Paypal. Or if you prefer, you can make a donation at any Bank of America branch (please bring the account number (#35137298) with you). Any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated!
Stay safe and take care friends.
Thank you so much!
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Twilight from the roof -- early October 2022. |