Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Big Day...

January 4th, 2019 was the big day -- the appointment with the doctor who helped me back in 2016 when it seemed like no one else could.

Back in late October I'd sent him past lab results along with a detailed history for him to review, and also submitted some new testing. Unfortunately he had a long waiting list, so I was unable to book an appointment until early January.

It's amazing how things can change in just a few months. I was hanging in there until about six weeks ago, when a variety of unexpected stressors took a large toll. So after a really rough December, I was literally counting the hours to the appointment. 

I was not disappointed.

"My job is to change everything."

As many of you know, I've tried many different protocols over the years. Some had been relatively successful in the past, but over the last 6-7 years, well, not so much.

As I lost more muscle and became weaker and weaker, I also became more and more desperate -- and as a result -- grabbed at almost any straw where there seemed to be evidence or even anecdotal reports of benefits.

And that's a problem.

First of all, of course I'm not a doctor. Secondly, what works for one person may not work for another, and could even make them worse. And lastly, if one's taking a lot of different things at once, how do you know what's helping and what isn't?

Dr. R told me he's had his own health challenges from time to time, and from experience found out that the answers were always surprisingly simple. “But,” he added, “when you have a thousand choices, something simple’s not that easy.”

So we'll be (almost) starting from scratch. He even wants me to cut back on things I think may be helping -- or stop them all together -- at least for now. I was hesitant at first with regards to a couple of specific things, but if they were truly helping, I'd be doing a lot better. He said "You will be better. But my job is to change everything."  

In my next post I'll talk about his plan to do just that. And how it's already actually starting to help!

Thanks again for your support!